Wednesday, November 29, 2006


The Bris

We celebrated David Mark Fetterman II's new life with a Bris - a traditional Jewish ceremony. It consists of the ritual circumcision (which we had performed in the Lucille Packard Children's Hospital with a smaller accompanying ritual) and the naming of the baby. We have provided a glimpse into the ceremony with a brief video. Join us in celebrating his birth, fulfilling the covenant, and witnessing his first step into Jewish life. (Click on the picture in the top right to view the video.)

We have also provided you with a summary of photos to help capture the journey if you have just joined us at this late date. (Click here to view the first moments of life on this journey with his family all around to care for him.)

Thursday, November 23, 2006

1st and 2nd Day of Baby David's Life (and the Bris)

What an angel right?

Guess who peed all over me and himself? You guessed it - Baby David is like a fountain. I mean over my shoulder and across the room. Not only peeing but pooping that dark meconium (that I know we just love to see because it means he is healthy since he did not do it in utero) but why did he have to pee like a fountain, while pooping the really sticky dark meconium, and start crying because he kicked his newly circumcisized you know what (which was bleeding a tiny bit and with the pee on it must have felt just great). All this at 2 am.

I know, I know - that's my problem and he is just trying to learn how to breath and eat and pee and poop - plus get a ton of shots and the big c (for circumcision). What do I have to complain about when you compare it to his world (before birth - warm and safe and shaded and now out in the cold - picked and proded and and just too many lights and sounds in one day).

No worries. All is well. I cleaned him up, the floor, and me too. He is sleeping like a.....a....a...yes.....a baby.

Now lets backtrack a bit to give some perspective on his day.

It started pretty nicely with a lot of holding and hugging. Dad and David.

Sarah and David (brother and sister now).
Bubbie and David (my mom).

I mean...a lot of holding, cuddling, and everyone was oh so happy. Heather and David (Summer's mom).

Suddenly life changed.

The Bris: Circumcision

Jewish boys are circumcised during the first week of life (usually the 8th day). It is a covenant that is maintained througout the ages. It is also the official time to name the baby: which happens to be David Mark Fetterman II.

Well, today he joined the tribe. (The larger family ceremony will be held later this weekend.) For those not familiar with circumcision - it is the trimming off of the foreskin of the penis - yes - potential owee - but not really too bad for this age with lidocaine and the rest.

In any case, here is the new tech gaget they use today (in the old days the tool looked more like a cigar cutter or clipper).

Yes - that is the penis popping up from under the green towels. And yes again, that is a metal clamp, that close to you know what. In fact the way this contraption works, the vertical bar on the right has a metal bell at the end of it. It goes over the head of the penis. Then the foreskin is drawn over the bell (while the penis is protected by the bell). Then the clamp is put around the foreskin and the doctor trims the foreskin, by cutting the foreskin against this metal bell shapped contraption. It was pretty interesting to watch but wow, now you can see why I feel bad about complaining about my day and how I got peed on. I mean really - what kind of day would it be for you if you started with a lot of holding and hugging and it was interrupted around mid-day with your private parts in a clamp and well - you get the picture (literally and figuratively).

On the flip side, we actually held the bris ceremony during the circumcision. Sarah chanted in Hebrew. My mom did the responsive reading and I led the ceremony. It was actually a very nice and meaningful moment. It is a ritual that binds us to a millenial people and tradition - something much larger than ourselves at any given moment in our lives.

So I guess, you might say our day was showered with love.

P.S. The emails that have arrived at our virtual doorstep have also showered us with love. We appreciate them and thank you all. Some have come from friends I have not seen since high school, others like this one below are from friends I have known for many years. This one in particular is truely from the heart from a good friend:

Dear Papa David,

Mazel Tov! Hooray! Yippee! Very Cool! (And I loved the blog).

Dear Baby David:

This is Uncle Ian writing. You are very fortunate to come into this world surrounded by your father, your sister and your mother. I have known your father for a long time and he is a wonderful man. You will do well here. You also have me around for extra help and a host of others. We will dance and sing and study and play together. Welcome here.

Dear Papa David,

Love you man. I will write later with other news.


Ian J. Grand, Ph.D.
Program Director
Somatic Psychology
California Institute of Integral Studies

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

A Baby is Born - David Takes His First Breath

Harrah! Our son has entered this world. David took his first breath on November 21, 2006 at 12:43 pm at Lucille Packard Children's Hospital. He is healthy at 7 pounds and about 20 inches. Here he is sucking right away. (Double click on picture of Mom and Baby David above to view Lucille Packard Children's Hospital's nursing lesson which is on You Tube and double click on Baby David sucking my finger below to view video of him going at it.)

Summer pushed and pushed but Baby David was not going to come out using the standard approach so we opted for a C section given all the factors before us - it was the wise decision without a doubt.

Dad went with Baby David to the nursery to get cleaned up. Summer held Baby David and started breast feeding. Sarah held David in her arms - her new brother. We are all exhausted - it has taken days to get here but it was all worthwhile - it is a beautiful day and a beautiful child.

The Epidural is In and Blood Pressure is Down - Way to Go!

Good Morning (Tuesday).

It is 3 am and things have really been picking up.

Summer was a trooper. After the water broke around 12:30, the contractions really escalated but she hung in there - at least in time for the epidural to the rescue.

The readings have also been very good. The baby is doing great - about 130-138 (pulse). Summer's blood pressure is way down around 116-117 (with a pulse of 66) - a far cry from her previous preclamcia levels of 140, 150, and 160. Summer is taking a nap. I think I will do the same. This little one is coming (even if it is on his own time).

The Water Broke 12:30 AM Tuesday

Yes - the water broke at 12:30 am. Things are progressing - one step at a time. I will let you know what happens when it happens - right from the scene. Crack reporter and dad reporting from the Stanford Medical Center.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Sarah and the Glove Ballon

Here is Sarah passing the time with Summer - with the "glove ballon" experience.

Time is Moving Slowly


It is Monday at 7:32 pm. The process is going slowly. Sarah and I (David Senior) spent the day hanging out with Summer and doing errands to pull Thanksgiving dinner together. Looks like Baby David is not as eager as we thought to arrive on the scene - very mellow baby - taking his sweet time. Even with the ultra-sound he took his hands and shielded his face from it - not quite ready for the light of day.

We are monitoring the blood pressure and heart beat pretty carefully - and so far everything is under control (blood pressure a bit high but ok).

The family has arrived. Mom just flew in from the east coast. Summer's grandparents just drove down from Redding. Heather and Mark are already at the hospital. The plan is for all of us to meet at the hospital in a half hour to see Summer together. OK - never mind the half hour thing - we are already there sitting around talking, checking the charts out, and waiting (for the baby to make his move).Next update later tonight - tomorrow or tomorrow night should be show time.

Baby David Fetterman is Ready to Arrive


Summer went into labor this evening.

She is still able to eat so we had a last supper as it were with Grandma's Honey Chicken (from Maxs). Here we are together in Lucille Packard Children's Hospital (to the left).

I will try and keep folks posted as the big day (tomorrow) unfolds. Take care and best wishes.

- David