Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Daily Events - Toilet Training to Teacher Home Visits

Toilet Training. Well our last update was back in June and here we are again. We are interested in toilet training again. This time Summer hid Cookie Monster under David's pillow as a reward surprise. Boy was he surprised. I have never seen him speechless but he was. He turned his pillow over and starred for about 7 seconds - no words - just an ear to ear grin. He loved it. What you do for a little reinforcement these days. Soon we will have the entire Sesame Street crowd over here - but it works.

Click here for his view of his milestone achievement.

Drummer Boy. David has also been learning a new instrument. It is called the pots and pans. I mean the drums. Take a listen by clicking here.

Teacher's Home Visit. Finally, we end this brief glimpse into David's daily life with a home visit from one of his teachers - Anna. It was great building a stronger connection between school and home and David loved it. He showed her everything from his hobby horse (with rocking motion of course), his room, his bath, his books - you name it. He was so proud. Then we all went out for dinner - making a closer bond between all of us.

Yes - your eyes are not deceiving you. This is the same picture in transition. It is a cool new slideshow video format I used to make a thank you video for David's Teacher for coming to see us in our home. Hopefully you can open it too.

To open it and see it, click here.
  • Wait for about 15 to 20 seconds for it to download.
  • Then do a search for it. It is called: AnnasHomeVisit.m4v
  • Once you find it, just double click on it and it should open up in iTunes and play for you automatically.

Monday, August 03, 2009

Thomas the Train

Thomas the Train. David had a wonderful day with his hero - Thomas the Train. It was a beautiful sun shiny day. It was a family day to remember and even savor. It is important to hold on to these simple moments.

If you want to join us on our journey just stroll through this blog. If you want to ride with us on just this day, click here and you will be our guest on a special ride.