Monday, February 19, 2018

David's Cold Collides with a Gatekeeping Exam

David's Winter Cold Collides with a Socio-economically Gatekeeping Examination

David is a little under the weather. He has a cold and he just fell asleep in the middle of his bedtime story - unheard of normally that’s for sure. Usually we finish the story and he traps me in the room with a barrage of questions about life that he knows I can’t ignore, just to stay up and keep me in the room. 

But I must say, he was a real trooper today. He had 3 hours of academic testing with a cold and no complaints. I am sure he did fine. He didn’t know how nervous I was prepping him with on an online test, making snacks for his break time, getting through security and then waiting for him to take his breaks and then to finish. 

I know one test does not define your life, but you don’t have to be a fan of science fiction to know how society regulates our life and our entire future with gatekeeping mechanisms like tests. 

All went well, but I am sure he had no idea how concerned I was over this society sorting ritual, because we just started joking about the pancakes I made this morning - but that’s another story for another time

A postscript:

We received the scores already and life is good for this little man:  91% percentile rank in Quantitative Reasoning.

In addition, as you can see from this gigantic dinner of milk, asparagus, organic chicken and apple sausage, and mac and cheese, this man is on the mend from his kid's cold.

Mini-drama subsides and life goes on.


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