Friday, June 12, 2015

Pre-Father's Day
(and the last day of 3rd grade)

Today is memorable for many reasons.  First, David gave me my pre-Father's Day card he made in school. It looks like me right?

The Father's Day portrait is based on this picture of us on the playground.  His teacher requested a photo to help him draw a portrait more accurately. Can you see the resemblance?  It is kinda of funny because I used to wear a tie everyday - until we moved down here to San Jose.

In any case, it was a nice card to get on David's last day of 3rd grade.  
Wow!  How is that for time flying faster than the speed of light. 
Trust me he knows the actual speed of light and reminds me of it every so often. 
He just can not see time fly the way I see it moving in terms of his rapid growth and development.

Oh yes, back to his card.  It says:

F un for playing
A wesome
T he funniest dad
H appy dad
E verlasting fun
R ated a 5 star

He asked me if I liked the 5 star rating the most and of course I said: "yes!"  We did a high five on that one which right now seems quite appropriate given the numerical rating.

Here is why I think I get high marks:

I let him make a berry sauce for our pancakes in the morning (on weekends of course - we barely have time to make his favorite soup, turkey bacon, and orange juice in the morning on school days and my oatmeal, berries, and juice).

I taught him how to ride a bicycle and still ride with him.  At the moment, I am still faster than him.  I think he likes the competition. 

I also get points for being a gamer. Hands down he is much, much, much better than I am at it.
(Of course he never tells me the rules which makes it a bit challenging.)

I volunteered for a nature class in school.

See here is my certificate. (Actually when I took it out of his backpack this evening I asked him what he got the certificate for.  He pointed to me to let me know it was for me not him. This sometimes happens with the same name.)

We skip rocks together.

Best of all, I read stories to him at night and he tricks me with a million comments and questions so that I never leave the room.  Tricky man.

Now you are wondering why I am I writing all this.  Well you see I am already planning for the time when he reaches that dreaded period called teenager time. 

This way I can make him read this and remind him how he used to give me a 5 star rating.  
That will get him.

In the meantime, what the heck why not enjoy the ride right?
He actually is a very good kid.

Happy Pre-Father's Day to All You Dads Out There.