Baby David Fetterman is Ready to Arrive

Summer went into labor this evening.
She is still able to eat so we had a last supper as it were with Grandma's Honey Chicken (from Maxs). Here we are together in Lucille Packard Children's Hospital (to the left).
I will try and keep folks posted as the big day (tomorrow) unfolds. Take care and best wishes.
- David
Our family can't wait for the arrival of the latest Fetterman! Keep us posted! My cell is always on! lots of love, Judy and family
I will keep you posted. It is going slow but our guess is some time today - or around midnight.
Looks like folks are coming in from all over the place. (Just ordered some more turkey since it looks like it is going to be a big festive occasion.)
Summer is feeling ok - all things considerd. See you for now.
- David
Thanks for the wonderful and funny emails today. I have posted many of them here to save them all in one place - so we can re-appreciate them later.
i am looking forward to meeting your son at some point. give my best to
Congratulations! How exciting. Hope everyone is doing well, Myriam
A fine excuse David! (had to reschedule our meeting) Congratulations and good luck. I will look forward to meeting you after Thanksgiving and to seeing the photos of the newest
Best of luck to you and Summer (and Sarah and David II), David.
Got this email from my mom, just wanted to send our best wishes and love, and we are very excited! (You can do it Summer!! :))
In hebrew they say "B'sha'ah Tova" - May it be in a good hour (even if its an early hour) - B'sha'ah Tova!
love from all of us.
DAVID!! Wow, I didn't know! That is absolutely wonderful. I so
appreciate the blog ....and that you have made me a part of it. The
very best to the three of you.
DF: Hi
On 11/20/06 8:27 AM, "Dianna Jouan" wrote:
> Hi David,
> I had no idea that Summer was even pregnant! Congratulations to you both
> and I hope everything goes smoothly. Can't wait to see the pictures.
DF: Thanks. I will keep you posted through the blog. You take care.
oh my god!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! well don't worry at all. I'll take care of everything here - and have a wonderful time with the new little David!!!
DF: Wow – great to hear from you.
On 11/20/06 10:31 AM, "Dezenzo, Kathi" wrote:
The strangest thing happened to me today. I have often over the years thought of you but today, for no apparent reason, I google searched you and came upon your blog site where you were announcing the imminent arrival of your first male progeny. Do you believe in coincidences?
Df: That is fate for sure Kathi. I always remember you great personality and really long hair (at least back them).
I wanted to be one of the first to congratulate you and wish you and yours much happiness, good health and long life. Kathi (LeRoy) DeZenzo
D: This is so cool to reconnect from way back then. Remember when we used to walk through the Student Union together – sometimes with a bunch of folks. I remember the time I slept over with John and knocked on your door with Karen there as I recall. I convinced John to run after the big dipper that night. Great to hear from you and here are my other sites to help catch up a bit:
You take care and thanks again for the good wishes. Great to hear from you again.
Congradulations! A Thanksgiving baby will be fun=). See you when you're back
to work.
Mazeltov, what a great Thanksgiving arrival.
Hi David,
That's great news!
Good Luck - Jim
Wow!! I thought the baby would wait till December. Seems he is in a hurry to meet the Fetterman's.
Congratulations to the whole family. Summer, I wish you the best good luck. David and Sarah congratulations for the new son and brother/sister? Best wishes.
Had no idea you were in the family way. Mazaltov!! hope it all goes well.
- Sherry
Hello David,
Congratulations! I am eager to see the photos of our new nephew. Give all our love to Summer and your new son.
Alex & Laura
Dear David, Summer,Sarah,Elsie ,(et al)
we are all ecstatic with this great news.the pics are great and Baby David appears to be following in the family tradition of the fast learners.A great present for which we can all give Thanks.Mazel tOv to one and all.
Ed, Jeff and Mike
David and Summer
Uncle Bernie and I send our sincerest Congratulations and Love upon the arrival of David Fetterman ll.
Our Love to Sarah and Congratulations to "Grandma Elsie!"
Uncle Bernie and Fran
I can't believe that I am in California with all of you. It is so exciting! It gives me a chance to visit with Sarah, too.
Thanks so much for enriching my life!
Mom, Bubbe
Congratulations!!! What a gorgeous baby!My 4-year old boy and I were browsing your pictures today. He cheers us up!
Hello to all! I was randomly checking my incircle account and just tonight found the wonderful announcement from MONTHS ago. Luckily, it will never be too late to congratulate you on this beautiful addition to your lives. My very best to the whole family, Elena Conte (from NYC)
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