Time is Moving Slowly

It is Monday at 7:32 pm. The process is going slowly. Sarah and I (David Senior) spent the day hanging out with Summer and doing errands to pull Thanksgiving dinner together. Looks like Baby David is not as eager as we thought to arrive on the scene - very mellow baby - taking his sweet time. Even with the ultra-sound he took his hands and shielded his face from it - not quite ready for the light of day.
We are monitoring the blood pressure and heart beat pretty carefully - and so far everything is under control (blood pressure a bit high but ok).
The family has arrived. Mom just flew in from the east coast. Summer's grandparents just drove down from Redding. Heather and Mark are already at the hospital. The plan is for all of us to meet at the hospital in a half hour to see Summer together. OK - never mind the half hour thing - we are already there sitting around talking, checking the charts out, and waiting (for the baby to make his move).

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