Saturday, March 29, 2008

Walking: Yes He is Taking His First Steps (March 2008)

Walking. Yes - the little man is taking his first steps. A bit shaky but proud. He is an interesting lad. Mostly he walks when he thinks we are not looking. Our guess is that he still likes to be held. Why not? Don't we all like to be held just a little longer?

Take a look at his steps today (just click on the picture in the left hand corner). Our day care providers at Stanford are great। They captured a few of his first steps this month on their video camera.

Just click on the picture above to see a brief video of his first big steps. (Watch out for the nose dive at the end, but live and learn right?)

We may as well enjoy the video now - because mom and dad will be really exhausted pretty darn soon - chasing this little man around. Ok even more exhausted, if that is imaginable. One small step for David and one giant step emotionally for us, but it is nice to see him grow and progress - putting his best foot forward so to speak.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Parents Night Out (February 29, 2008)

Parents Night Out. Day care offers parents affordable baby sitting once or twice a month. They see it as a healthy contribution to the family and their overall mental health.

What do most parents do on parents’ night out? Well, we have gone to the movies, enjoyed a hot tub, and experienced a relaxing massage. But does this look like one of those nights?

Take a look at what we thought might be fun on a Parents' Night Out (Friday night).

Yes - we are flying. Instead of jumping out of a plane, we entered a wind tunnel. It was pretty cool. There was a guide to teach us, but basically we are flying - just depends on whether we put our hands and legs up or down that determined which way the rest of our bodies were going to go.

No worries - David was the life of the party at day care that night - everyone loved the baby!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Half Moon Bay

Half Moon Bay

We may lead a pretty busy life but we do take a moment to enjoy where we are – only a half hour away from the beach. So off we go to Half Moon Bay.

The view is spectacular – we love going to the vista point (the site of the old Chart House).

You can see the little man right behind me. The one with the funny hat.

David takes to the sand like a duck to water. I guess that should have been an ocean metaphor like the surf to the sea, or surfer to the wave or something, instead of pond reference, but what the heck, he loves it.

Mom was nearby to supervise, but it was apparent he didn’t even notice us after a while and was quite content to just go at it. This is one independent little man.

Made for a nice shot at the beach with a beautiful background. He is right at home wherever he is.

Watch out! He is coming. Look at this man go!

Valentine's Day

Guess what mom brought home for Valentine's Day?

You guessed it - lobster!  David did not know exactly what to make of it.  His dad sure did.

Mom enjoyed it, while the little guy was busy with his veggie hot dogs - seems fair to me.

Dad remembered the saying - something about "the way to man's heart is through his stomach." Way to go Babe!  (Yes - I brought her flowers and had them sent to work - what did you think?)

A Day In the Life of Little David (Breakfast - at 15 months) (part 1 of 6)

A Day In the Life of Little David (Breakfast)

This is a day in the life sort of collection of brief moments of little David at age 15 months. It is really a composite to help us remember what a “typical” (albeit compressed) day is like. The typical day will change and we will change along with it, but in the meantime why not lock this life in our minds if for what really is only for a few seconds out of a lifetime.

Breakfast (between 7:30-8:00)

Breakfast can be a challenge. But it has been a treat with the company of Latke Larry.

Click on picture of Latke Larry and David to hear a brief clip of the tune.

David loves this guy. It distracts him just enough (but not too much) to keep him eating. Of course, we have heard his lyrics (yes he sings) approximately one and a half million times. Here is a sample (if you listen carefully you can hear mom singing along in the background):

“I have tales of Maccabees and plenty of calories…Celebrate our history, how we survived is still a mystery…. You - stop eating my latkes.”

What can I say other than, thanks Latke Larry. You help our guy eat more than I do these days. He was eating my eggs and now I am making him two of his own scrambled eggs each morning, plus toast, and milk.

A Day In the Life of Little David (Getting Ready - at 15 months) (part 2)

Time to Get Ready for Day Care

Getting ready for day care is called “time management 101”. After changing David and getting him dressed, it is time to change into my suit and tie. What does David do while waiting for dad? Well there is the toilet paper unraveling activity.

There is the "dad, I am stuck under the chair ritual".

And what would the morning be like without the "what’s in this closet that I can pull down routine." (I am omitting the obligatory lets watch dad's tie (on the rotating tie rack) experience, just because it is so routine.)

Then we have to run. (If we have that rare leisurely morning, then there is time for a bit of regular fun and of course computer time. But then we really have to go.)

Now -how do you say no to this kind of curiosity - computers - come on. (Ok so he knows how to bend us around his finger - just a bit.)

A Day In the Life of Little David (Arboretum) (part 3)

Arboretum (day care)

It’s off to day care – bright and early. It’s a great place. Everyone is so friendly. He loves it (especially Willow, one of his special day care providers).

David is having a ball.

Oh wait, it looks like its reading time again. Loves those books - no complaints here.

A Day In the Life of Little David (Play Time - at 15 months) (part 4)

A Little Play Time

David has a bit of playtime before or after dinner. The hand print on his head is from day care. He loves finger painting.

He also has his own house – including doorway, doorbell, and mailbox. Wherever David puts his metaphorical hat, he calls home.

A Day In the Life of Little David (Dinner Time at 15 months) (part 5)

Dinner Time

We often go out for dinner because it is easier. Peninsula Creamery is a real favorite (less than a half mile away from day care and pretty standard 50’s style food). However, we eat at home a fair amount of the time (which we should), because he has very little time before he runs out of energy (particularly with no nap during the day). On those (no nap days), we run home and get the food in front of him as fast as we can.

Sarah is usually busy with volleyball, choir, and homework (all around dinner time).

In addition, Sarah is driving these days (she is 16 years old) – so she is a pretty independent adolescent. However, we recently had a family meeting to make sure we reinstated family time each day to make sure we stay in touch we each other – you know, just how was your day, what’s homework look like, lets review that paper, and of course her personal life. Her world is a bit different from David’s life. It is important to pay attention to her special life as well. By the way she is already shopping for prom gowns. Take a look – she bought it with her own money. She is really turning out to be quite a young lady.

There are nights when she is around at dinner time and able to pitch in. She puts away the dishes and feeds her little brother while we are making dinner. David loves it – being fed by his big sister. Pretty darn cool.

A Day In the Life of Little David (Bath and Bed Time at 15 months) (part 6)

Bath and Bed Time

This kid has a pretty charmed life. He even gets candles at bath time. (OK – it is really a distraction but it works.) Bathing by candle light. Life could be worse right?

Bath time is over but before we pull him out he has to show you one more new trick: he can stick his tongue out at you – very cute. You are coming out anyway little man.

Time for a little reading time and then bedtime (so mommy and daddy can get their rest). “One fish, two fish” and “good night moon” usually do the trick and then it is lights out.