Saturday, December 23, 2017

David's Accomplishments Compiled at the End of 2017

A Few of David's Accomplishments Compiled at the End of 2017

David has been a nonstop joy.  He has accomplished so much this year.  Aside from growing to 4' 11'' - which is amazing in itself - David has demonstrated qualities of kindness and sophistication well beyond his years.  Don't get me wrong, he is still a kid, with a lot to learn, but he is bursting with energy and a thirst for learning.  He is also a committed gamer and YouTube watcher with a pretty darn good sense of humor.

A few of his notable accomplishments this year include:


His latest violin recital for your listening pleasure.  

These recitals, as you can appreciate, not only mark a passage in his life and ours, but also serve as a rich source of entertainment.  I think this is in part because of the quality of the sound and performance and in part because of the emotional bond already in place which becomes a powerful part of the experience.  Based on his performance he was invited to perform in an honors recital - basically the same thing, but even more dressed up and in a nicer venue with other musically talented kids. 


David still skates before school and in figure skating competitions.  He came in second in Utah at the US Figure Skating competition.  Take a look at this tiny example of his grace in slow motion.


Both of us just received our red belts in karate this month. 

Talk about a rites of passage.

It has been a great additional bonding experience.    Of course, it is a lot easier for him - he gets it right away. I have to write it down, review it, watch it, and practice, but that's ok.  I am keeping up.

There is plenty more to say, but suffice it say, he is only beginning to unfold as a person, a human being, and a son.  Keep up the good work little man!

Friday, December 08, 2017

Red Belt - A Proud Day

Karate Red Belt

It was a proud day.  After about a year of training, David and I received our red belts in karate.  It was a wonderful ceremony.  We were asked to come up to the front of the room, bow in respect, in front of the sensei/instructor, remove our old belts (brown belt one), and place them folded twice on our right side, on the floor.  Our sensei handed us our new red belts, all folded and proper, ready to snap open. Everyone in our class was sitting in front of us, making a thunderous sound, slapping their hands on the mat. 

(click here or on picture to see brief YouTube video)

You can hear the thunderous sound in this tiny video above.  We shouted "break" and snapped our belts open, stood up, and waited for our sensei instructor to wrap our new belts around us.  The group stood up and bowed in our direction and then stormed over to give us a hug. 

Wow - showered with a lot of love - a bit overwhelming, but you really feel you earned it.

It has been an extremely long journey, getting from white belt to red.  This last one required special attention to a 23 movement, highly stylized set of karate movements (Polgate 7).  Conceptually it was not that difficult, once you memorized the duplicative pattern, but syncing what you know with what your body wants to do is another thing all together, but we both did it.

So another bonding ritual occurred right before our eyes, while we were preoccupied with roundhouse kicks and snapping motions, like "knife hand down".  We were becoming one with the universe - if only for an hour, and then a week, a month, and in this case another year.

We train at Ernie Reyes West Coast World Martial Arts at Santa Teresa. If you are in the area, just drop on by - but you might want to give us a call first.  In the meantime, take a moment and take another moment to see this  periodic ceremonial ritual again.  By doing so you will be celebrating this special rites of passage with us.