David Has a Pretty Good Life
He Gets Out of It Just What He Puts Into It:
And In His Case That's A Lot
We just returned from one of David's (very) early skating lessons. He is in preparation for an international competition this summer in Anaheim (yes we know what's in that city and if there is time we will make a visit).
But he is a man that really puts a lot of energy into everything he does. In this case, the music is carrying him - it dramatically transformed his performance - it connects with him (even in this early morning practice session learning a new routine).
In addition to skating, the man plays violin. He is getting better and better all the time - but it comes from practice and more practice (say thanks mom - who keeps him going when the enthusiasm wanes).
His real favorite, however, is piano. He just takes to it naturally. You can even ask him which one he loves better and it is the piano. He is also learning theory. He goes too fast sometimes and misses obvious things. He just wants to get the theory part done sometimes, but he is doing it (and preparing for a test in it as well).
This doesn't mean the man does not take time to play golf. Fits him to a tee.
There is always room for art as well - in this case it is part of a school assignment - studying the Japanese beetle. Where does he find the most up-to-date information on the Japanese beetle? The library you might guess - no, you guess it - its on the net.
Summer is helping him draw the beetle. He will use it as the cover for his school report. I helped him with anatomy. (This little man can be quite stubborn about how he thinks you spell body parts. For example, he prefers intena to antenna. He says it sounds right to him. Then we have to get into phonemes and morphemes.)

The man is also a riot in the morning. Normally it is a struggle just to get him dressed, hair combed when you are lucky, and to finish breakfast. He gets a "little" distracted with conversations/monologues about whatever he is immersed in at the time (games at the moment). This week he surprised me by doing some of his math homework on the computer while we were trying to finish breakfast and get to school.
How can you say put the computer away when he is working on his school math right? Computer games obviously (well somewhat obviously). So in the middle of getting breakfast ready, making sure he actually puts some clothes on, putting the dogs out, getting both of them breakfast (did I mention one was a puppy?), and constantly reminding him to eat, eat, eat (so we can make it to school on time) - he asks what is 25? He wants me to come over while I am stirring the oatmeal and tofu (yes he eats tofu) and see what 25 is so he doesn't get the answer wrong again on the computer.
Well my luck - he is working on addition and subtraction. How hard could that be. It was the sum - 15+10 = 25. However, that is not what he was getting wrong. He wanted me to check because what he got wrong was the example preceding this one. That one asked: what is 15 in the same equation.
Luckily I knew - an addend. Then the 10 - yes again - an addend. It didn't stop. (I think the oatmeal is starting to burn - better go stir it in a hurry and pour the orange juice right. Good excuse before this becomes too hard.)
Now they want the answer to - what is 30 in subtraction? The equation is 30-10=20. I have to remember it is the minuend and 10 is the subtrahend. Who remembers this stuff, especially this early in the morning - but you would be surprised what you can remember when you just want to get the kid out the door in time for school. (Don't worry I checked it on the net on my phone before we grabbed his backpack, snacks, and swim suit and got into the car. I was right this time - no correction needed in the car on the way to school.)
I am sure I forgot something in this slice of life of a little man, but I just thought I would stop what I was doing and reflect on this little man for a moment and think about how rich his life is and how rich he makes our life.
All this and there is still time for tickling, reading before bed time, and having a friend over to play that dreaded time sink called computer games.
But what can you say - the man knows how to have fun - and he is fully immersed in the game called life.