Happy Passover 2011
Happy Passover 2011. Pretty cool - our first Passover in our new home. David got the flowers and did the Mah Nish Tahna Halila Hazeh Mecall Ha Ameem. Not too bad for 4 years old.
He even wore his yamaka for the picture - what you wanted him to wear it throughout the entire Sedar? Good luck.
He did sit reclining throughout the Sedar - see the red pillow pet underneath his bottom? He also found the afficoman so we could finish the Sedar in one evening.
Oh yes - lets not forget the Borah Pre Hagaffin - blessing on the wine (ok grape juice but you get the idea).
Dad explained the symbolism of the Sedar Plate.
We also took a moment to toast and celebrate our friend's new born at the Sedar. It made the symbolism of the egg more real and meaningful to David.
Thanks for sharing our Sedar with us - the same souls in a new vessel that's all.
What? You thought because I chose a bird of paradise (which just happens to be in our backyard), that we think we are care free and...
Well, on Passover that is precisely what we were - free and carefree.
Thankful for the freedoms we enjoy and the family that we embrace.
Hog Samaach - Happy Passover Everyone!