Daily Events - Toilet Training to Teacher Home Visits

Click here for his view of his milestone achievement.
Drummer Boy. David has also been learning a new instrument. It is called the pots and pans. I mean the drums. Take a listen by clicking here.

Teacher's Home Visit. Finally, we end this brief glimpse into David's daily life with a home visit from one of his teachers - Anna. It was great building a stronger connection between school and home and David loved it. He showed her everything from his hobby horse (with rocking motion of course), his room, his bath, his books - you name it. He was so proud. Then we all went out for dinner - making a closer bond between all of us.
Yes - your eyes are not deceiving you. This is the same picture in transition. It is a cool new slideshow video format I used to make a thank you video for David's Teacher for coming to see us in our home. Hopefully you can open it too.
To open it and see it, click here.
- Wait for about 15 to 20 seconds for it to download.
- Then do a search for it. It is called: AnnasHomeVisit.m4v
- Once you find it, just double click on it and it should open up in iTunes and play for you automatically.
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