Friday, November 29, 2013

Happy Birthday, Happy Thanksgiving & Happy Hanukkah: A Blur

Happy Birthday, Happy Thanksgiving & Happy Hanukkah: A Blur of the Season

It all started innocently with a cup cake birthday party at school.  David is the blonde kid on the right if you are new to his blog.

Suddenly we find ourselves in Disney World.  Surprise!  Happy Birthday David (7 years old).

Nothing like the Animal Kingdom

The road was bumpy and the day long but the little man was hanging in there.

David got to see his favorite bird - the flamingo!

We even enjoyed a little Bollywood dancing.

Don't worry we also did the traditional rides.

Is this a happy man?

As soon as we got home it was Thanksgiving!

We all sat down and enjoyed the meal and each other.

Then a once in a million event - Hanukkah and Thanksgiving overlap.  More precisely the last time this happened was in 1888 and the next time it will happen will be in 77798 years - making this wonderful time of year and birthday celebration a miraculous, beautiful, blur of emotions extraordinaire.