Yes - another year to be thankful for. Summer has just prepared a wonderful Thanksgiving meal. Turkey, sweet potatoes, green beans, rolls, and gravy (not to mention that pumpkin pie). It is our first Thanksgiving in the new house.Is life perfect? Well you tell me. The little man wakes me up at 6 am, even on the weekend. I am not a morning person. Ok - I wasn't a morning person until the little man showed up at the door step. Who does he call in the middle of the night because his covers fell off the bed and on to the floor. You guessed it. But who also loves to get tickled in the morning and run up the stairs to beat me to his bath every night. He loves that race (that is so carefully orchestrated to get him upstairs and ready for bed and the only price is that I have to lose the race each and every evening - what a shame). Yes we are talking about that same little man, who lights up a room (even if I am ready to take a nap). So maybe we do have plenty to be thankful for - just being a part of this little man's growth and development as a human being on this planet. We get to see what he sees - seeing the world though a child's eyes - happy moments, sad moments, amazed and bewildered all within moments of each other.Speaking of the little man, here we are making the ornamental turkey for the Thanksgiving table. Somebody find the glue to make this go a little faster (or as he says "Dad, this is taking forever").

In the meantime, mom is getting the table set - nice dinning room. Look at that silverware, passed down from one generation to the next.
Ok - now it is really time get ready for Thanksgiving. David is willing to take a break from his lucrative game to help mom out but that smiles makes me think he is up to something. We will probably find out a few days from now.
In the meantime, we sit back enjoy the meal, the left-overs, and yes more and more Monopoly. Is life perfect? Well he could sleep in a bit later and maybe let me win one race to the bath at night. But all in all, we appreciate what we have - a life together - and we are thankful.