Wednesday, March 17, 2010

David's Tripping the Light Fantastic at Subways

This is the man!   
(Check him out on YouTube.)


Saturday, March 06, 2010

Yosemite 2010

The Wilderness Boy.  David likes to look out at the world from on high.  He immerses himself in nature and is often at one with nature.  (See Half-Dome in the distance and a man snow bound in front of us.)

Of course, he is not content to simply stand idly by.  He is a take charge sort of guy and throws himself into everything he does - including walking on the snow.

(Sometimes he thinks he walks on water but that is for another day's posting.)

At the end of the day, however, he is just like you or me.  He enjoys a good warm fire, a toasty room, and a roof over his head.  Stoke the fires, sit back and relax - time to simply enjoy a few moments away from the rat race with family.