4th of July weekend 2009

The Oakland Zoo. We spend the day of 4th of July at the Oakland Zoo. It was clean, interesting, and of course David had a ball. Below he is making friends with a snake while drinking his milk. No worries - that is pretty thick glass between them, (protecting the snake from David).
We took the gondola above the park - the view was great. Take a look at the giraffe part of the park below.
Now we are a bit more down to earth, with a shot of David Senior and David the II (with the giraffe behind us).

Mom decided to help David pet the lizard just in case he confused petting with a hug or a big squeeze.
We concluded our visit of the zoo with a visit to the formal petting zoo - in this case a not so friendly goat. I remember David muttering something about getting his goat or something like that by the time we left.

The weekend actually began at the Monterey Bay Aquarium (where we were married).
The seahorse was the special attraction and I could see why - some were tiny and others bigger than I imagined that's for sure.

Oh, did I forget to mention that one of his favorite things in the zoo was the ride on the fire engine? Lets see - nature, wild animals or a fire truck - you tell me what was the highlight of his day? (Click here for a tiny video of his wonderful ride?)

Monterey Bay Aquarium

David liked the tiny ones - why - I could not tell you - unless it was just something he could tower over - who knows. We had lunch at the aquarium by the water. David was preoccupied with the view. That made for a very nice, quiet lunch.
Asilomar. As long as we were spending time at the Aquarium we figured the beach was not too far away, so off to Asilomar we went. As you can see, David has a new find in his hand, (another precious piece of seaweed). But the real find was in his eyes - take a look at this little bundle of mischief with his mom below the picture with dad and his prize possession.
Check out this man's eyes - does he know what he is doing or not. You can guess what he is thinking, especially if we just told him no running toward the water. Anyone have an extra pair of pants and shoes? We all had a nice 4th of July weekend (and this was only the beginning of the story).