Mikvah - December 19, 2007
Mikvah. Today this Jewish boy took a dip in the Mikvah. Summer got some great shots. Little David loved it - big smiles all around.
It started with all of us in front of the Mikvah.
Once inside, David Senior took a quick shower and Summer got little David ready. He was stripped down to nothing - wow!
David senior stepped into the water with the little man in his arms. The water in a mikvah (much like a large bath or jacuzzi) has a mixture of two separate streams of water - city and rain water in this case. It was warm don't worry.
Rabbi Yoshi 's blessings and songs of joy filled the room and can still be heard (in my mind and on the video below).
David senior carefully let the little man take an underwater dip in the mikvah (with a space apart for a second). Then only a moment later, the little man popped up a bit startled and grabbed his dad but with a big smile - "like I did it - that was cool dad." Really amazing to see how he was so happy.
We took care of the documentation certifying the immersion ceremony and back home we went. A little lunch was in order to celebrate and relax.
What a powerful family day - a real mitzvah!