The Zen Approach to Childhood
David - the Zen Child
David has mastered the art of childhood. He is truly a Zen master.
This transcendental experience is captured in one of David's Zen moments in the morning.
I got up early to teach in a colleague's class online. It was a great learning moment. The students were invited to participate in a lively, real time, debate in the field. We shared a colleague's pre-published book review and our draft response to him. It was a window into the process of intellectual engagement and exchange. The clock struct 7:00 and it was time to shift gears.
I said goodbye to my colleague and his students with the click of a button on my screen. It was time to take the dogs out. (Don't worry, this is not one of those "oh, look at how much work I have to do every morning stories". You know one of those tell the world how hard it is stories when we are looking for sympathy or empathy about our plight as parents. It is as you will soon see, the opposite. At least for today it is the opposite. Tomorrow I will join the ranks of my fellow parents struggling just to get through the morning rituals that are part of family life.)
It was time to wake the little man up so I could get breakfast ready and get him off to school. I had to keep moving because I was also catching a plane to Arkansas to help my colleagues with a project in a few hours. (Keep in mind I had not even packed yet.)
I open the door and he was awake. I was surprised.
I told him: "I am impressed. You are already up." (Lately I have had to gently, but persistently, wake him each morning). "Not only are you awake but reading too." (In case you were wondering, he was reading one of his favorite books. The one that drives every parent crazy. The title will give you a clue why kids love it and parents cringe: Captain Underpants.)
I left some of his clothes on the bed and said "get dressed and meet you downstairs for breakfast."
I got breakfast ready. The same morning routine of: orange juice, chicken noodle soup, and turkey bacon. I know what you are thinking but that's what he likes to eat and its nutritious and pretty fast. (On the weekend we sometime have old fashion waffles and homemade fruit sauce or not so old fashioned tofu and turkey bacon. Yes, he likes tofu. I told you he was a unique little man.)
In any case, breakfast was ready so I went upstairs to check on him and what did I find.
The little man was still reading in bed.
He was playing a prank on me. He was completely dressed, but under the covers. He wanted me to think he had not done a thing since I first greeted him in the morning. What a sense of humor?
I had to laugh. The man was in his comfort zone. We were in our usual rush to get up, eat, and run to school - but what was he doing? He was zoning out reading in his cozy bed waiting for dad to come and get him (so he could "troll" him once again).
On other days, I would have thought - are you crazy? But today, I just jumped into his zone.
Why not? I know what it is like to see these moments disappear. I know you know what I am talking about. These are the precious moments and they do disappear with the blink of an eye.
He helped me once again enter his Zen zone (to be present when there is no time to enjoy it).
He values the moment.
I shared this picture of David and me smiling this morning with my mom. She knew instantly what it meant, which I guess is no surprise. The picture became like ripples in a pond, creating new meaning and moments for others. The picture got her to reflect on her life at that point in time. She shared what it was like when she was raising 4 kids, working, finishing her dissertation, and helping my father with his business.
She wanted to make sure I treasured those moments and I do.
But life moves on. Life has its ebbs and flows, its routines and I was already thrust right back into them.
I did get him to come down stairs and eat breakfast. I took care of the dishes.
I dropped him off for school with his homework and I did make it to the airport.
At the moment, I am flying off to work in Arkansas, but I am letting that morning moment linger just a little longer.
David, this is so great that you MADE the time to DOCUMENT this wonderful experience.
You are practicing what you preach!
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