Monday, October 06, 2014

David's "All About Me" Speech in Class Oct 2014

"All About Me Speech":  A Slice of Life

David was asked to present an "All About Me" speech for his 3rd grade class the other day.  We were asked to rate the video along with him and return our critiques to his teacher.  Well, we have listened to this video over and over again - not just because we are proud parents (although we are), but because it tells us so much about this little man in only a few minutes.  We also appreciated his composure, eye contact, and content.

Little things he takes for granted, as well, were interesting to observe. They ranged from his long-hair that he is proud of - no concern about what others may think about his non-conformity - to his Stanford T-shirt.  He is proud of his connection to Stanford because he was born there and knows Mom and Dad went there. He also proud of his Dad's teaching over there.  However, he does not really appreciate the implications of our academic lineage on him as it were.  Of course, that's the way it should be - not about status, but a gentle and persistent influence that helps discipline the mind over a life-time.

He spoke about his chess trophy - that he slept with the first night he won it.  He also shared one of his favorite books about art and meaning.  He got some real laughs from his classmates.

He explained how you will not go far if you lie (based on a favorite Bernstein Bear book).

Finally, he shared a treat with the class - a beautiful violin piece.

The short video about his life at almost 8 years old is on YouTube.  Thanks for taking the moment to share this "slice of life" today.


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