Thursday, August 21, 2014

Hartt Suzuki Institute - Violin

Violin School for a Week

And what a week it was!  We enrolled David in a violin school for a week back east.  It was the Hartt Suzuki Institute in Hartford, Connecticut.  Before you jump to conclusions, we did not just send him off by himself at 7 and three quarters (as he reminds us of his precise age).  It was David and me for the entire (and I mean entire week). Parents attend all the classes with their kids - but don't worry they make it fun for the kids (and added a few surprises for the parents as well).

Enjoying a moment of levity with his master teacher.

Here is a brief snapshot of what the school is like:  

The 2014 Hartt Suzuki Student Institute is designed for violin, viola, cello, bass, guitar, and piano students. Students must be currently studying with a Suzuki-trained teacher.

Each student will receive a minimum of four hours per day of formal instruction. Student in Books 4 and above will receive five hours per day. Instruction includes a masterclass (in which each child will receive individual instruction), a repertoire class, an ensemble or movement class, and at least one additional class which will be assigned according to the instrument and playing level of the child. In addition, students are expected to practice a minimum of one hour per day.

David practicing between classes in the organ room.

It was a bonding week to be sure. We had classes together, practiced together, snuck off to Starbucks during the longer breaks, ate on the run to make other classes, and then we had the nights to hang out together or visit with family (most of my family live on the east coast and thus the decision to attend the Institute in New England).

Enjoying watermelon in our hotel at night after dinner.

Grabbing a bite to eat during our lunch break with Bubbie.

Getting the three David's together. (I am the third one taking the picture.)

David and Aunt Judy having a chuckle about something.

In addition to violin practice and performances (including performing as part of an orchestra), he had chorus.

Violin class.

Violin practice as part of an orchestra.

The day before their recital they let the parents know (aka me) that the parents would be joining their kids on stage. Now the pressure was on. We had listened to the practice sessions every day but that's different from really focusing and memorizing with the expectation that you would be performing.
I asked David to help me with a couple of lyrics, especially part of: "Tie Me Kangaroo Down" and "Let It Shine." But in the end it really paid off. He was really proud of me. I carried the tune and remembered the lyrics; and I was up there with him.

David and Dad singing in the chorus.

David and Dad really singing in the chorus

So you let go of a little of your dignity for a really big pay off. It was really fun when we all got into it. I should note that practicing with him was really the best part. He likes teaching me.

So enjoy a few of the moments we had together during the week with Bubbie, my sister's family, and my cousins. Summer joined us for the last day - the grand finale performance.

David is becoming quite the accomplished violinist and this training doesn't hurt thats for sure. Listen for a second or two and hear the power of their little instruments together. The sound is glorious.

Photo op of performance.

An abbreviated performance - a taste of the week in the span of just a few seconds.


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