Sunday, December 07, 2014

Pasadena Skating and a San Jose Piano Recital - All in One Day

What a Life this Little Man Has: Sharing Another "Day in the Life"

Last night Summer and I attended a Google holiday party.  David stayed at a friend's house while we were at the party.

Then we picked him up and hopped on a plane to Pasadena. We got a good night's sleep and then off to the competition.  David's ISI Holiday Skating competition was in Pasadena this morning.  He did great.  David got 2nd place.

Skating Competition:  Chinese Spiral

But that was just this morning.  We had a bite to eat at Counter Burger in Pasadena  (beautiful weather - 75 and sunny in December) and then hopped on the return flight to San Jose.  We got home in time for a little piano practice and then off to David's piano recital.

Piano Recital

We celebrated the day with a dinner out and then everyone went to bed.  I just took the dogs out and it is time for me to get some sleep too - but I figured I had to capture this crazy day before it disappears on us.

We did not plan it - its just one of those convergence of David events, but we made it all happen once again.

Hey David - many years from now when you read this blog on your life maybe you will say: "hey mom and dad I really appreciate all you do" or "hey we had some fun today didn't we".  Either one will do little man (but interesting to think about the idea that we knew you would read this and appreciate this trip down memory lane sometime in the future).   What a day!


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