Mr. Charmer. Yes - we know this guy can melt your heart. One of my colleagues and friends in the Med School (who also recently had a little one) walked into the day care during class photo day and was filled with all sorts of problems stirring in her head. Then suddenly she sees this little man with the Argyle sweater and her heart melts and a big grin comes over her face. Even the day care folks thought that was a precious moment to share (not just me). (By the way this is the same day care that Sarah went to and they still remember her and her purple cloth.)
But I digress.
Watch out. This is Mr. Pick-up Guy for certain. He does have a winning smile, but don't let the fool you. This is a man (a little man but a man nevertheless) who is on the move. This guy is cruising for women - of all ages. So be forewarned - he will break your heart.

And yet he has that innocence about him doesn't he - like a little baby. Who me he asks with his cute little eyes? Ask the stewardess in the last plane ride, the lady sitting across from us in the restaurant, the.... Well you get the idea.

That baby face doesn't fool us. He is Mr. Charmer for sure. Don't give me that innocent look buddy I can see right through you. Oh you need a diaper change - sorry misread that signal. Coming!
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