The Portland Visit
You may ask in the middle of this glorious meal who was the center of attention. Who's blog is this? You got it - little David stole the show once again.
As you can see, this is a familiar posture for David. Lying on his back - arching - sometimes laughing like crazy, other times sharing his finely crafted whining tone.
David asked Mark for a few racing tips now that he has attached himself to my Honda S2000 (see our early story about how David iron grip on the titanium stick shift).
As you may have noticed, little David is still wide awake even though it is way past his bedtime. He just loves people. He will fight exhaustion right to the last wimper.
Laura got to hold the little man just before he really started to get tired (even though he still would not admit it).
However, the little man finally had to succumb - it was sleep time - leaving mom and dad to actually enjoy the rest of the fine meal Alex had prepared and the lively and engaging family conversation.
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