A Moment to Catch Up - So Many Little Changes
There are so many small moments to appreciate, value, and reflect on in life. They are cumulative - they are so small you barely notice them and then they jump out at you and catch you by surprise.
This brief entry is an attempt to capture just a few of those moments as we live them and share them with you.
You can see this little man developing every day if you really pay attention. It goes by so fast sometimes, with work and family responsibilities - the "great balancing act" of life that we all try to master, distracts us from the joys unfolding right in front of us. We are privileged to witness the development of a human life, the formation of a unique personality, and nefesh - the stamp of the human soul.
Even though he is growing every day in ways that seem like imperceptible changes, incremental movements, they are giant leaps forward. Still he is our little baby and he still enjoys his own little moments - like stepping out of the bath and being held, all warm and safe. I guess he is really no different from you or me. Isn't that what we are all looking for. I hope you enjoyed this eclectic combination of moments captured in one brief exchange. I didn't want to miss them and I didn't want you to miss them either.
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