Baby's First Food (now he will sleep through the night)
First Baby Food
Yesterday was quite the milestone. David II ate baby food for the first time. Amazing! He just ate it up - pears. Summer figured it was time because he was drinking over 32 ounces a day. She was right. You could tell it was a growth spurt and a transition moment because it was also the first time he slept for 6 hours straight. (It was a little scary. We were getting worried about him sleeping so long at first. Then came his cry - a call to arms - enough to wake the entire house.)
Click on the picture below. We have linked it to a tiny video of this historic moment.

By the way, another big milestone was Sarah's big day. I took her on the highway - she drove - first time driving on the highway. Two big milestones, light years apart but equally phenomenal. Enjoy.
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