What a Day as the Year Winds Down
It is End of the Year
What a day! It really captures the life we led this year. It started off promptly at 5:45 am. Time to wake the little man up, unless he is already up gaming. Get dressed, brush your teeth, comb your hair and get downstairs for breakfast.
Most of the time it is waffles for him, oatmeal for me with grapes, and orange juice for both of us. Then we make sure the little man has not forgotten to print out any of his homework from the night before. Off we go with his skates, books, and whatever.
We race to skating before school on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The man looks good this morning. It is all clicking. He is really getting his routine down.
Then it is off to school, but we stop and get some kid's temperature hot chocolate at Starbucks along the way. We make it to school with time to spare (who could believe it) so we play "chop sticks" - a game where you tap each other's hand to increase the number of fingers sticking out. When your opponent has more than five fingers displayed you are out. The game doesn't really matter, it was the time together, playing, out smarting each other with strategy to see who is the last man standing, as it were. (I won today - that's a first trust me.)
In any case, the bell rings and he is off to class. I stop at home and take the dogs out and then race to Monterey to take care of business. (Luckily there is cell service along the way to check and see if my crew is working and to finalize a few projects before the end of the year.)
I have to race right back because David thinks he may have a karate sparring class at 3:30. I make it home in time to let the dogs out and sneak in a little more work - invoices primarily, once again before the end of the year.
Then I race to pick up the little man and to my surprise the only karate sparring class is at 8:15 pm - much too late for this little man. But there is swimming at 4:15. Who knew? And did we remember his bathing suit or wet suit - of course not. So we race home to get the wet suit and my karate outfit. (The wet suit because it is December and the karate outfit because I am in the same class as David along with mom and we (parents) were tested today. (I will remove the suspense - we passed - we are now gold belts.)
(I manage to get in a few emails.) He finishes the swimming lesson at 4:45. I help him get changed back in to his street clothes, while I get my karate outfit on. We race to the car to karate.
Mom meets us there. We pass the test with flying colors. David was thrilled that he was asked to help demonstrate a couple of moves. The teacher needed another knowledgable body (student) to pair up with another student for one of the moves. To celebrate we all ate at Red Lobsters (one of David's favorites).
We finally make it home for ice cream, milk, and bed time. David takes care of the pooping and peeing and then typically bath time. We finish off with the brushing of the pearly whites and the golden hair routine. We hop into bed and read another chapter I get ready to shut the lights off and say good night and the little man talks my ear off as a way to stay up later and keep me in the room for company. Eventually, I say "good night, love you, sleep well" and he repeats it back to me. I say "thanks" and the lights actually go off.
Today he was tired enough to sack out as soon as the door closed. For me, however, it was time to get back to work. We are taking off soon for vacation and the week and the year are slipping through my fingers. But I thought I would take a moment to highlight the day, because it really captured a lot of what this year has been like, minus the music of course - all in a day.
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