Friday, May 04, 2012

David's Violin Recital - May 2012

David's Spring Violin Recital.

This is one busy man.  He had his spring violin recital this evening.  He played Etude.  It is a pretty long piece to play for a 5 year old kid.

Summer and David have been working on it for about 17 days.  That is pretty quick to memorize a new song and play it well, at least according to his teacher.

The recital began with the requisite tuning ritual as you can see below.

Then the man played - not a bad job at all.  Listen if you have a moment or two.

Then the kids were showered with flowers - which they richly deserve.

This takes discipline and hard work and persistence. (I am talking about the kids not the parents here - of course if you have ever been in this role - coaching and mentoring and teaching - you know kudos go to Summer and David's teacher as well.  I can only play Twinkle, Twinkle on the violin at this point - so he is way ahead of me.)

The group did a great job and it was a lovely way to spend the evening together as a family.

Lindsay Bauman is David's teacher. As you can see, she is very proud of David tonight.

Not a bad life - this little 5 year old man has.


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