The Grand Canyon

David loved the Grand Canyon. He found it enchanting just like we did. "It is so deep." I think he meant deep like in feet not metaphysically or philosophically - but who knows.
David saw this as an opportunity to throw the first snowball of the season - at dad!
He is also a budding photographer - ok - he was using the zoom to see as far down the canyon as he could see. Tomorrow we will teach him how to shoot but I shutter to think what he will focus on. (Did I really say all that?)
Are we happy? You tell me. When is the last time you saw a smile like that. Little one's remind you of unbridled joy - something we adults get to cluttered and encumbered to experience and share so openly.
Mom takes a moment to just sit and enjoy the scenery.
Grandpa Mark and Grandma (Heather) were also captivated by the beautify of the natural wonder.
The train ride was entertaining. The music was great.
This is David's photoshop version of the same shot. He asked me if he could do it and he thought it was a blast. He is sharing this with his classmates in kindergarden. He was pretty proud of his creation.
Watch out. Train robbers. We had to explain how this was make believe to David (about 6 times). Bottom line he was thrilled that they did not take his stuffed toy rabbit.
The train ride also had some side benefits for David - like snowball time again.
Time to relax and just sit back and enjoy the natural beauty of the life we are living together.
Not to mention the buggy ride that evening.
We understand why everyone enjoys the Grand Canyon - it will take your breath away.
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