Tuesday, May 28, 2013

David in Las Vegas - Mom and Dad's 8th Anniversary

David in Las Vegas

This was a glorious anniversary extravaganza with little David as you can see.

The horns you ask?  No, he was not a little devil on the trip. On the contrary he received all sorts of praises from waiters and waitresses about his manners.  We were proud of him.

This was us at the Tournament of Kings.  The knights jousted on real horses and ultimately "saved the kingdom" in this modern day version of a page in history.  
(A dinner show where you eat with your hands.)

We have done our best to keep him from fighting and violence, but he loved the combat scenes.  
What a typical boy - this little man.

We stayed at quite the place - the Venetian.  
You can see why David always wanted to go back to the hotel.


I think David has extravagant tastes sometimes.  
We had his ceiling painted with clouds but this is really over the top.  
(He better not expect this in his room.)

Lest we forget - this was Mom and Dad's anniversary and nothing says celebration like a trusting baby sitter.  It was worth every dime - ok dime may not capture it lets say a bank roll or a big jumbo loan (but don't you worry, he had a good time too).  

David taught the baby sitter how to play some of his favorite games.

We, on the other hand, just relaxed and took in the local scenery.

In the morning it was time to break the fast.

The Bouchon.  Where else?

Then to see the dolphins.

A quick bite to eat at Sushi Sambas.  Crispy lobster taquitos, edamame, Japanese A5 Wagyu Beef Gyoza.  What this does not sound like a kid's meal?  He ordered sashimi - no kidding (yellowtail, salmon, and tuna).

And then the penultimate celebratory event:  The Tournament of Knights. 
(We are coming full circle here.)

You can see David with the King of France - who helped save the day.
As you can see, David is all smiles.  To stand with the King of France who fought so gallantly and won!

Avery proud, a very tired man.

However, you say "night time" - no way.  One more adventure.  Cirque Du Soleil: The Beatles.
It was a fantastic retrospective magical mystery tour. The music was great (of course).  The choreography - classic Cirque Du Soleil.  The art and the dance and the acrobatics very hard to beat.
David loved the first 10 minutes and feel fast asleep.  

We on the other hand were immersed in the show.

Like the ending of Sargent Pepper's Lonely Heart's club band:  "Its time to end the show."
Thanks for joining us, but remember what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas - well sort of. 

Enjoy the fountains at the Bellagio.

Hello - Goodbye.


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