Thursday, August 23, 2012

Happy Birthday Bubbie!    David played Happy Birthday to Bubbie on her 85th birthday.
It was a chance to have a party and what a party it was including a big cake.

Mom looked great - look at that red gown.

Look at that great guy she is with.  Great to meet you Herb.

We are standing in front of the synagogue I went to as a kid.  My parents and grandparents were instrumental in bringing this synagogue to Danielson - a very small town in Connecticut.

Judy was the MC this time and a couple of the grand kids did the motzei or blessing over the bread before the meal was served.  (That blonde one looks familiar.)

I had a couple of fun memories to share with mom and everyone.

We knew what "we" meant when mom was running out the door saying "we" have to clean the kitchen.

We had plenty of relatives - that's for sure.  

Hi Mark - great to see you.  
I remember when you were on my mom's tv show - a couple years back now.

Here is the Fetterman Family all together.
David, Summer, little David, Bubbie, and Sarah.

Sister Sarah, cousin Robyn, and Sarah's friend Glenn came too.  

It was quite a family affair - about 125 or more were present to share in the festivities.

There were so many stories and praises for Bubbie.  

Here is one from Gert (the wife of the doctor who brought me into the world):

From Gert Margolick to Elsie on her 85th birthday celebration

I could not find a birthday card
To properly capture the high regard
That so many of us feel for you
So this poor verse will have to do

You've shown in situations grave
That you could be both stoic and brave,
A woman of valor ? eliciting smiles
Dispensing opinions or mah jongg tiles!

Whether at the White House, UConn, or synagogue,
Your achievements would fill a computer blog.
A career to be proud of ? fond memories galore,
A milestone birthday  -- onward from 84!

Remember, Elsie, as I now close,
That in Storrs and Danielson there are plenty of those
Who will not forget the years you spent
On worthy projects you started or helped implement.

The best advice you will find me giving
Is enjoy your great family, and retirement living
Bake an occasional tart, torte, or bundt
And gay mit glick and zie gezundt!

Happy Birthday and Love,

President Lynn Pasquerella of Mount Holyoak College was also there to share a few memories and highlight Bubbie's commitment to both social justice concerns and family.

It was a time for David to renew his connections with his cousins and uncles and aunts (and Bubbie). 

A few of those cousins are growing up just like him.  You can see they are having a ball.
Nothing like family - mishpokah.

It was a wonderful celebration of a wonderful woman - an accomplished academic, an advocate for social justice, an inspiration to so many, and a model for our entire family.  

Happy Birthday Mom!  



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