1st Grade - What a Milestone!

What a milestone!
He was so excited - almost jumping out of his skin while we were waiting on the playground for them to let him in.
Great to re-live this excitement, since it was so long ago. That's what kids are for in many respects - allowing us to see that joy and excitement through their eyes (at a point when we only have a faint glimmer of that moment left in our fading memories).
At this age it is still all or nothing - absolute joy and excitement or the crest fallen, lowest point in life. Of course the source of that kind of joy and despair can come from a chocolate muffin at this age, but I digress.
Mom and dad were a little bit nervous, a bit rushed, but we knew it was a momentous occassion for the little man. Here is mom and David in front of the school - getting ready to say good bye.
Dad too.
Look at Mr. Smiles himself. Look at that outfit - pretty nice, even wore a collared shirt for his first day. (It was going to be a pink t-shirt but luckily he did not need much persuading that a collared shirt of his choice might be a better option for the first day.)
Up close and personal. He brushed his teeth two times this morning to get those teeth shiny enough for first grade. He even combed his hair (can't you tell)?
The big moment is upon us - "drum roll please" - the teacher is officially signing him in.
Then the fun begins as he enters his first moment of formal public education. (David finished kindergarden at Bowman yesterday - no sense in wasting time right?)
David is now on his journey of 1-12 or in his case 1 through higher education. What? High expectations you say? What did you expect from David's parents (overachievers, high achievers, or whatever you call them)?
As he enters the classroom, his parents return to their adult lives (whatever that is right little man).
Congrats on your first day buddy! Thanks for letting us be a part of it.
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