Middle David's Bar Mitzvah. This family reunion revolved around middle David's Bar Mitzvah. He did a great job (and was not particularly nervous either). He even took time to try and entertain little David when we were up on the bemah together (finishing my alehah). What a nice guy!
Little David and I wondered around before and after middle David's reading of the Torah. He found a toy Torah and hugged it. Very cute and unexpectedly appropriate.
There is limited photography at a Bar Mitzvah, so the rest of the shots focus on the retreat Summer found for us while we were visiting. The pond behind the cottage was beautiful. David even found a swing.

Bubbie and David bonded on the deck in back of the cottage right by the water.

This is a view of the water. I told you it was beautiful. (Did I mention David loves water. This was big time fun for him.)

First we tested the water. A toe at a time. We found fish jumping up to nibble at the little man's toes - it was funny. Later we fed them bread. They almost jumped out of the water to get the tiny pieces of bread.

Bubbie and David discussed the safety standards associated with dock behavior. The rules: for him - hold on to us and for us - keep your eyes on him at every moment. (Its not that David lacks judgment or anything - its just the idea of jumping off the dock and into the water at any moment is something that kind of pops into his head without any notice or warning at all.)

After coming to an understanding about the "rules" (rules right), we just enjoyed the scenery.

Bubbie relaxed and enjoyed David as he explored every inch of the deck, the stairs, and of course the water.

Oh yes, the reason for being back in Connecticut, middle David's Bar Mitzvah. We enjoyed the party after the Bar Mitzvah - the photographer had some great shots. We also enjoyed the brunch the next day. Below you can see the three David's together - an historic moment transcending the generations.

As long as we were there, we took a few family shots. David, little David, Mom, Judy, and Vita. Bubbie is always smiling right? Yes - but this was an all out laughable moment. One of the waiters was jumping up and down, making faces to get David to smile for the photographer. It cracked us all up.

More family shots: Mom, Judy, Kirk, Max, David, Robyn, David, baby David, Vita, and Richard.

Later that evening, we found a great place for dinner. The Singapore's Grill and Sushi Bar. Robyn, Max, and Kirk picked some great sushi. I think it was the Singapore Roll.

Judy and David enjoyed the Roti Canai - no peanuts, just a curry sauce.

Little David saw it as an opportunity to practice with the chop sticks. Like usual, even the small things were a thrill for this little man. We had a great family time.
Great pictures!! Looked like lots of fun.
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